This blog tour answers four questions:
1. What am I working on?
At present I'm working on a novella to be part of a boxed set. I can't tell you much about it as the theme is being kept quiet for now. I just finished a Women's Inspirational Fiction, Shattered Vows, that I'm shopping with several publishers. It's the first Inspirational for me and I'm rather proud of it. It took a lot out of me emotionally and I hope it will mean as much to readers as it does to me.
Seems I've been genre hopping, but I'm ready to get back to my major love, Western Historical Romances, most of which are time travels. However, a Contemporary Western Romance sounds appealing to me right now too.
2. How does my work differ from others in the genre?
I'd say that mine differ in that my heroine and hero are adults who are established in their careers. The stories revolve around conflicts that life throws their way—divorce, death of a spouse, infidelity, loss of a parent, and/or a secret that's been hidden away being revealed. Many of my couples are already married and face issues unusual for young dating couples.
3. Why do I write what I do?
That's a tough question, but I guess I'd have to say I write what I like to read. And I read a variety of genres which has led me to write in several genres—Western Contemporary Romance, Western Historical Time Travel Romance, Futuristic Romantic Suspense, a Contemporary Suspense, and a Women's Inspirational. I enjoy research so the stories I write usually require a bit. For example, I love native American lore and while writing Flames on the Sky, I visited New Mexico, Chaco Canyon, and the Zuni Reservation. Some of the travel was after the book was written, but it gave me the opportunity to see if I'd gotten details right from facts obtained from the Internet.
4. How does my writing process work?
Unfortunately I'm a procrastinator. Since I'm retired, I don't stick to a set routine. I get up in the mornings and while having my coffee, check my emails and take care of daily obligations that deal with promotion. Often it's not until after noon when I start on my WIP. I seem to be able to do my best writing at night. If a story is falling together quickly and smoothly, I may work for hours, afraid that if I don't I'll forget something.

I've selected several authors to tag, but won't post their names until tomorrow. So, please check back.
I'm pleased to have Judith Leger, Debra Jupe, and Ciara Gold join the World Blog Tour.
Judith and I have been friends forever, but we've never met in person. We started out in an online critique group probably 9-10 years ago and have stayed in touch ever since. She lives in Louisiana, so is almost a Texan and one of the sweetest people I know. Plus, she writes great stories. I'll let he tell you about those. Judith's blog is
Debra and I met at our local chapter Heart of Texas RWA. She hadn't written much when she joined, but she hit the ground running and now has one published, one waiting for a publication date, and another one contracted. And she most likely has another one in the works. I hope I haven't missed any Deb. I'm sure she'll share details with you readers. Deb's blog is
Ciara is another one of my online friends, but she lives here in Texas so we've met on several occasions. We've shared a table at several books signings and she invited me to attend a small town celebration and signing that is known for being a stop for the Orphan Trains. She wrote the play about the Orphan Train that local high school students performed. Like myself, she loves to write Western Historical but has ventured into other genres as I have. She writes about dragons, vikings, and children who were passengers on the Orphan Trains. Her blog is
Thank you all for stopping by. Please check out Judith, Debra, and Ciara's blogs.
Happy Reading and Writing!