Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Mama's Date Roll Cookie Recipe

These are refrigerator cookies, which means you put the rolls in the icebox or freezer, take them out when you need more, slice, bake, and eat. Though I make a double recipe, we rarely have any left in the freezer for later.
The thinner the slices, the browner and chewier they get. This is the way I like them. My brother and husband like them thicker and softer. I try to vary the thickness so we'll all be happy.
Date Roll Cookies
1 lb. pitted dates
1/2 C. sugar
1/2 C. water
Cut the dates, comgine sugar and water, and cook over low heat til mushy. Add a pinch of salt.
3 eggs beaten 1 C. sugar
4 C. flour 1 C. brown sugar
1 t. soda 1 C. oleo
1 t. salt 1 T. vanilla
1 T. cold water
Cream oleo, sugars, and beaten eggs. Sift flour, salt, and soda THREE TIMES, then add to oleo mixture. Add vanilla and cold water. Knead. Divide dough into parts and roll out on floured surface. Spread with date paste, roll up, pinch ends. Roll up into waxed paper, twist ends. Refrigerate until firm. Best if refrigerated overnight. Slice think, place on cookie sheet and bake in 375 degree oven until brown.
I hope you enjoy this recipe. Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Texas Fruitcake

but here is one you'll be proud to bring out and share with friends or give as a gift. I'm not crazy about fruitcake, especially the dark ones with more fruit than cake, but I love the the ones made from this recipe. It came from a cookbook of Favorite Recipes of Home Economics Teachers. I taught Home Economics for 30 years in Texas and we sold these cookbooks back in the 60s and 70s. I've used this recipe since 1970. The first time I made it my daughter was a baby and I've been hooked ever since.
1/2 lb. candied pineapple
1/2 lb. candied cherries
1/2 lb. raisins1/2 lb. chopped dates
4 to 5 oz. candied orange peel or sliced candied orange slices
2 lbs. shelled pecans
1/2 lb. shelled walnuts
5 C. flour
1 & 1/4 lb. oleo
2 C. white sugar
1 C. brown sugar
6 eggs
3/4 t. soda
1/2 C. molasses
3/4 C. apricot preserves
3/4 t. cloves
3/4 t. allspice
3/4 t. nutmeg
3/4 t. cinnamon
Cut fruit; dredge fruit and nuts in 1/2 C. flour. Cream oleo & sugars; add eggs, and beat. Mix soda and molasses; stir into sugar mixture with preserves. Add flour and spices (sifted together); add nuts and fruit. Grease two tube pans; line with waxed paper. Grease paper. Turn batter into pans; put pan of water on bottom shelf of oven. Bake 4 hours at 250 degrees.
I use my turkey roaster to mix this all together as it's the largest thing I have. Nothing else seems big enough.
I hope you'll give it a try and your family enjoys it as much as mine does.
Merry Christmas to you and your!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
A Review for Forever Faithful

Author: Linda LaRoque
Genre: Contemporary Western Romance
Page extent: 224 pages
Publisher: Champagne Books
ISBN 978-1-897445-32-7
Heat rating: Sensual
Love is like a flame, some days it burns bright and others it dwindles. Faith is the forge upon which love is strengthened to steel.
Lucas and Gail Johnson live the idyllic life on their ranch near the small town of Stony Creek, Texas. The one thing they want but don’t have is a child created from their love. Will an unidentified body pulled from nearby Possum Creek and a single night of indiscretion shatter their dreams of happily ever after?
Perfect, just about sums up my feelings for this book. As the title indicates this book deals with the very delicate and deeply significant issue of marital fidelity, but it was so much more. Linda LaRoque has given the perfect snapshot of married life, “for better and for worse” and Lucas and Gail learn to appreciate the vow “to forsake all others...till death do [them] part” in small-town Texas. Ms. LaRoque manages to interweave the subplot of a murder mystery beautifully into the main love story.
What I loved best about this book is its portrayal of all facets of love, love of courtship, young love, married love, unconditional love, obsessive love, and above all the love between a parent and child. Ms. LaRoque beautifully brings out how sometimes the flame of love dwindles but how faith can forge it into steel. The dash of the supernatural and the mystery both add to the enjoyment of the plot.
If I have one quibble, it’s that even in fiction it is the woman who is portrayed as being more flexible and willing to forgive, despite the warped circumstances but considering the fact that fiction reflects reality I must accept that aspect of the plot. But overall Lucas is quite a hero and Gail’s dad Sam Steele is also a great supporting character. But I guess there needs to be give and take to get to happily ever after. And FOREVER FAITHFUL sure ends that way. I whole-heartedly recommend this book. It has all the aspects of a great love story and is great entertainment.
Reviewed by Raakhee Suryaprakash
WRDF Review
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Look what I got yesterday!
Thank you Debbie. My instructions were to select 7 blogs to honor.
They are listed below. Click on the links and explore their postings.
Judith Leger
Sandra Kay
Nancy Henderson
Allison Knight
Jennette Green
Hywela Lyn
C J Parker
Friday, November 7, 2008
Reviews for A Law of Her Own

A Law of Her Own. To read the entire review, click on the review links. It is available now at The Wild Rose Press and Fictionwise.
Fallen Angel Reviews
A Law of Her Own - 5 Angels
A Law of Her Own by Linda LaRoque is a well thought out, well written story. I enjoy reading western and time travel romance and this book successfully combines both. Turner is the type of strong hero every gal dreams of. This story does not fail in making him a wonderful husband. Charity is a strong heroine. When she realizes she’s thrown back in time she doesn’t let the town’s outdated thoughts and ideas stop her from proving Turner’s innocence. She steps right in and goes about catching the killer. With her descriptions of the life and time, Mrs. LaRoque paints a wonderful picture of Texas in the 1800’s. This story makes me want to go back in time! I will be looking for more books by this author to read!Reviewed by: Kim N.
Night Owl Romance
A Law of Her Own
Hearts: 4
Linda LaRoque has written a lively tale of mysterious time travel, a modern day woman dropped into an 1888 Texas town, and an instant attraction between two people born over a century apart.
Reading this love story is a joy. LaRoque’s characters come alive in a fast-paced western romance you will want to finish in one read. Detailed descriptions and a sense of the time and place help the reader believe that Charity really was transported to Prairie, Texas.
There is realism to the story that only a few time travel authors can bring to the page. Grab this well written love story and enjoy the quick read. You will be glad you did.
Simply Romance Reviews - SRR GRADE: C
When I read A Law of Her Own, I liked the explanation of the small Texas town and the shops. I especially liked the detail of the cabin Charity rented and all the various niceties contained therein. The scenes were well-written and very well-thought out. The storyline kept my attention, and the research that went into the law as it existed in 1888 was phenomenal. I certainly never expected the twists and turns that led to the characters becoming involved with one another let alone what led to the capture of the true murderer. I wish the book was longer so Linda LaRoque could have delved more into the problems Charity encountered while trying to make the adjustment to her new life, and to her new relationship with Turner. The story felt rushed due to the page number constraints. Overall, this was a nice, quaint read for a weekend or whenever one has a day off with nothing to do but enjoy a good book. I was tickled pink to find out how the loose ends were tied up at the end in such a unique way. Truly a pleasant story to read.
~Reviewed by Laura
WRDF Review of A Law of Her Own by Linda LaRoque
Blue Seal
How to describe A Law of Her Own by Linda LaRoque? Yee-haw and bring on the cowboys! Charity Dawson, a true-blue city lawyer from 2008 steals away to the magnificence of the Texas prairies and finds herself trapped in 1888 with Turner Reardon, cowboy and condemned man. Employing modern-day forensics, Charity tries to save the man from the noose, only to be discredited because she’s a woman! Instead, she learns to fight the bad guys within the confines of the law as it exists in 1888.
Passion and mystery abound in this wonderful novella about learning that the path to desire may not always be the one you expect to set out upon. This story is a great afternoon read when you want to drift away under an old tree and experience some down-home cowboys who enjoy being claimed by strong-willed women.
I would recommend this novella and give it our Blue Seal.
Review by: B.B. Walter
Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Holiday Book Celebration

What Is The Holiday Book Celebration?
Every day in November and December, the Writer's Vineyard will be featuring an excerpt or original short story from one of our favorite authors.We'll start with a Thanksgiving road trip,and end with a New Years not to be forgotten. Along the way,we'll celebrate love during Kwanzaa, dodge dragons in the cold of winter and find dead bodies under the mistletoe. We'll have contests and prizes but, best of all, discussions about our favorite holiday books and memories.
Get into the holiday spirit and visit each day at http://thewritersvineyard.com/
A Christmas excerpt from my novel due out November 1st 2008 will be featured on Monday November 3rd. Check out my website at http://www.lindalaroque.com/ for an additional giveaway.
Happy Reading,
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Attending a High School Reunion as a Teacher
Last month, I received a note on my website email address asking if I was the Linda LaRoque who taught Homemaking at Everman High School in the early 1980s. I quickly replied that I was indeed that person. A few weeks later, I received an invitation in the mail to attend the early 1980s class reunion.
Oh, the memories I have of teaching there. A few bad ones, but most were good. I was a Senior Sponsor so accompanied the students on their Senior Trip to a dude ranch. They tubed on the river, swam in the pool, and participated in a variety of other activities. One of their favorites was to toss the teachers in the pool. It was all in good fun. One year the pool was out of commission and we sat in a swing, were hoisted up into the air, it seemed like three stories high, and then the rope was released to send us flying down where we bounced against rubber tires to stop. It was fun but I didn’t want to try it twice.
The late 70’s was the time of the afro hairdo. I never could get my beautician to understand I wanted a spiral perm. I always came out with over curly hair. One year during Everman High School’s Black Heritage celebration, I, along with the biology teacher were elected Black History Faculty Queen and King. The kids had a great time with the joke and gave us a rake as a prize.
That same biology teacher was a real character. One year during in-service, he stuck a suction ended arrow to his forehead and walked around. Of course, he got plenty of laughs. He got even more the next day when he showed up with a big hickey on his forehead. At the end of the year, the faculty had a luncheon and awards were handed out. For that stunt, he was awarded the “Green Weenie Award.”
It was fun to see some of my former students and hard to believe they are in their mid-forties now. Most of the former faculty members who attended are like me, retired now and loving ever minute. Though, I do admit I miss being in the classroom from time to time. I guess what I miss most is the interaction with the kids.
Here are a few pictures.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
I Got Tagged!
1. My husband and will have been married 41 years on December 23, 2008. We have two grown children, especially good looking and talented if I do say so myself, and an extraordinarily smart, charming, handsome grandson.
2. I love to crochet and knit in my spare time, mostly while watching television and make items for new babies and some afghans.
3. Later this month we'll be leaving to tour the east end of Route 66. Last November we toured the west end but didn't make it all the way to California. We'll do that possibly next fall.
4. This weekend I attended an early 1980s reunion at the high school where I used to teach. It was fun to see my students as adults and fellow teachers as senior citizens :-).
5. I'm having foot surgery October 30th so will be propped up in bed or the recliner all day for a couple of weeks. Thank goodness for laptops!
6. I have several life long friends that mean the world to me. Though we don't get to see each other often, when we do it's as if we'd never been separated by time or space.
I'm tagging these people.
1. My good friend from a former critique group Sandra Marshall. Sandy's first book The Catalyst is now out in ebook format with Forbidden Publications and will soon be out in trade paperback.
2. Sandra Kay is a an author on Writers and Readers of Distinction. Check out her new book Heart of Stone at The Wild Rose Press.
3. Hywela Lyn , a lady from the U.K. writes romantic sci fi and western adventure stories. Her new book, Starquest, is at The Wild Rose Press.
4. I first met Judith Leger at the RWC group. She's been a long time online friend and one day I hope we get to meet in person. She has an awesome dragon story she's shopping and several works out and coming soon with The Wild Rose Press.
5. Celia Yeary is a Texas lady like myself. She writes Western Romances. She has several titles out with The Wild Rose Press.
6. Jenna Leigh is a Champagne Books author with several interesting titles. I don't know you, Jenna, but hope to soon. Check out Jenna's releases.
There were so many authors I'd love to have listed but had difficulty finding ones with a blog and ones not already tagged. This has been loads of fun and an interesting exercise. I hope those of you've I've tagged will participate. This is a great promotional tool.
Kind regards!
Linda LaRoque, Pres. HOTRWA; When the Ocotillo Bloom, Wings 2007. A Law of Her Own, 8-27-08; Desires of the Heart; My Heart Will Find yours; and Flames on the Sky coming soon from The Wild Rose Press. Forever Faithful, 11-08 and Investment of the Heart 5-09 from Champagne Books.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
A cover for Desires of the Heart

Loren Fairchild longs for children, but is barren. At a cottage in Carlisle, UK, she puts her divorce behind her and begins a new life. She learns that in 1947 the former owner’s wife disappeared. The same week, according to local gossip, her husband took up with a dark-headed harlot. One morning, a simple minded woman appears and triggers events that change Loren’s life forever.
Miles Chapeau misses the wife, the mother of his two children, he’d known before the war. When he returned from WWII in 1945 she’d been hurt in an air raid and now has the mind of a child. He loves her and would never forsake his duty, but misses the intimate side of marriage and a woman to share his life. One day she disappears and his existence is turned upside down.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Cover for Forever Faithful
LUCAS and GAIL JOHNSON live the idyllic life on their ranch near the small town of Stony Creek, Texas. The one thing they want but don’t have is a child created from their love. Will an unidentified body pulled from nearby Possum Creek and a single night of indiscretion shatter their dreams of happily ever after?
Johnson Ranch, Texas Hill Country
Gail lay on the bed, a grin stretching her face as she listened to Lucas sing in the shower. She felt tempted to run into the kitchen and turn on the hot water so she could hear his yelp as the cold stream hit him. Nope, better not this morning. She was taking a week of vacation to do some things around the house and wanted to be in town by nine. Last time she’d done so, he jumped out, chased her down, and pulled her in the shower with him. It would be fun to see her handsome husband run wet and naked through the house again but.... She rolled off the bed and dressed in shorts and a tee shirt.
When Lucas entered the kitchen, Gail lifted slices of crisp bacon onto a paper towel to drain. He caught her around the waist and drew her backside up against him while she poured pancake batter into the old iron skillet atop the stove. His lips nibbled across her neck, making her shiver.
“Mmmm, you taste good,” he said.
She turned in his arms and put her head on his chest. God, she loved this man. They’d been married almost four years, known each other a lifetime and the sound of his voice still made her heart lurch. Squeezing his waist, she shoved him back a step, smiled up at him, and teased. “You smell mighty fine to be working with horses all day.”
He laughed and started filling their mugs with coffee. “Well, a man never knows when his favorite filly might visit him at the stables.”
Friday, July 11, 2008
Desires Of The Heart has found a home!
Here's a short blurb.
When life today is filled with pain, look to the future – or past.
Loren Fairchild longs for children, but is barren. At a cottage in Carlisle, UK, she puts her divorce behind her and begins a new life. She learns that in 1947 the former owner’s wife disappeared. The same week, according to local gossip, her husband took up with a dark-headed harlot. One morning, a simple minded woman appears and triggers events that change Loren’s life forever.
Miles Chapeau misses the wife, the mother of his two children, he’d known before the war. When he returned from WWII in 1945 she’d been hurt in an air raid and now has the mind of a child. He loves her and would never forsake his duty, but misses the intimate side of marriage and a woman to share his life. One day she disappears and his existence is turned upside down.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Chat at Coffee Time Romance

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Pub date for A Law of Her Own

She won't let an innocent man hang—
When Charity Dawson resigns her father's corporate law firm to pursue a career as a trial lawyer she gets more of a change than she wanted. She finds herself transported to 1888 Texas in the middle of a murder trial.
Turner Reardon is on trial for the murder of his mistress. He's given up all hope when an oddly dressed young woman disrupts his trial claiming she's a lawyer and can prove his innocence. Her testimony is brilliant but, his optimism is short lived when she claims to be a lawyer.
Charity doesn't know how she arrived in Prairie, and no one believes she actually went to law school. Her evidence is tossed out and Turner is sentenced to hang. She has only one chance to save an innocent man's life and find the real killer.
“Ruby, it’s not like me and the boys sat on that jury yesterday when they sentenced Turner. We’re just following the law,” said the sheriff.
“Elijah, you should be ashamed of yourself. You were Turner’s daddy’s best friend. If you were a true friend, you’d be gettin’ this boy out of here until the real killer could be caught.”
“Aunt Ruby, leave him alone. He’s just doing his job. Come here now and let me kiss your cheek one last time.”
Elijah stepped between them. “Can’t let you do that, Turner.”
“Why the hell not?”
“You know why, she could pass you something, a weapon.”
“Hell, she just passed me a whole pie”
Elijah had the grace to look embarrassed. “We sliced it for you to make sure there wasn’t anything planted inside.” He cleared his throat. “We didn’t want to search Ruby.”
Turner hid his smile at the expression of outrage on his aunt’s face. She poked Elijah in the chest with one of her bony fingers. It hurt. He aughta know because she’d done it to him enough times.
“It’s a good thing too, young man. I’m not a helpless old woman and can still take a plug outta your hide.”
“Yes, Ma’am, I know.” He put his arms around her shoulders and turned her toward the door. “Now it’s getting dark out, visitation is over. You can see Turner in the morning.”
She wailed, “Yeah, hanging by a rope.”
Question: What do you get when you cross a New York lawyer with an old fashioned cowboy?
Answer: A rollicking good read with sparks the size of Texas. Linda LaRoque hits the bulls eye dead on in this fast paced story that’s sure to please.
Elaine Cantrell
Author of Purple Heart
A Law of Her Own is a wonderful, fun read. It keeps moving and keeps you rooting for her engaging heroine and compelling hero. Another great tale from Linda LaRoque.
Kristin Lawrence ~ The Vicar's Vixen
A new contract!
Here is a short blurb.
Taking a chance on love again is the most courageous investment a heart can make.
Widow Hallie Barron wants her daughter happily married to the young rancher she loves. When Simon Cole enters Hallie’s life she’s reminded she’s a woman with needs and desires. She yearns for a love like she once had, but fears risking her heart.
Rancher Simon Cole is prejudiced against city women and believes they don’t belong on a ranch. He’s set to prove his nephew’s fiancée is a mistake. Yet when he meets her mother, he finds himself wishing there was a place for Hallie in his life.
On a ranch in the Hill Country of Texas, love is recognized, lost, and found.
Check out my other novels at www.lindalaroque.com
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Research on the Internet vs Being There
As it turned out, our son volunteered to stay here with the dog. Sunday morning we set out and arrived in Kilgore in time for lunch, checked into our motel and were at the museum when it opened at 2:00. It was a step back in time and well worth the trip. The movie with footage taken back in the 1930's was informative as was the elevator ride down into a well. Here are a few pictures.
Thought I'd learned a lot on the Internet, I'm glad we made the drive. The Indian blankets and other wild flowers were in bloom. The pollen was as bad or worse but that's to be expected. We had a nice relaxing time.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Gee, it's been awhile!
Edits are finished for A Law of Her Own. I'm waiting for galleys now. Forever Faithful is in final edits and the plan is to start edits on My Heart Will Find Yours next week. At present I'm working on another time travel set in the 1930's oil fields in Texas. The research is interesting and I've about decided I need to take a field trip.
It's getting hot here in Texas. Will probably be 100 degrees here today and it's not even June yet. The heat will be a good excuse to stay inside and write.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Check out my new covers

Thursday, February 28, 2008
The Call Home
Anyway, whenever I needed to do something, I had to make arrangements for someone to come sit with her. She insisted she was fine alone, and maybe for an hour would be, but not any longer than that. I had an early Dr.'s appointment and the house cleaning service was scheduled to come the following day. My husband would go into work late so we wouldn't have to find someone to come in.
The day was a difficult one as our mother's condition had quickly worsened throughout the week. As the day wore on, I worried about the rush and confusion I'd face early the next morning. Finally I decided to call and cancel my appointment. I'd be here when the cleaners came. I felt much better.
That night, in the early a.m. of the next day, our loved one slipped from this life into another. The Lord called her home. It's odd how I'd felt this intense pressure about leaving home that morning and wonder if it was God's way of helping me out, clearing a path for what was important. I like to think so.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Woohoo! Another contract!

Thursday, January 31, 2008
A Contract for My Heart Will Find Yours

Thursday, January 24, 2008
A Heart's Desire - Change of Plans